With the day by day and immense advancement in technology learning technology basics and computer technology is a must. An IT professional can work anywhere in the world. All the working departments and domains are now technology based and technology professionals are in demand and working the fields. Costume college offers a professional programming course that is very helpful to earn on daily basis. If you are not having a job you can work from home and hired with any known firm who offers remote work by knowing programming. If you search on the internet most of the jobs are technology and programming based.
Python and Java Programming lectures are delivered by an IT expert Peter Parker. He is excelling in the programming field since a long time and spreading the light and art of technology on a number of students. He is one of the technology experts who have their hands on the technology field.
In order to complete this course, you must successfully complete all the following Fundamental modules (totalling 120 credits).
Computer Systems
This module presents a holistic view of how computer systems work and it also provides the underpinning knowledge required:
Mathematics for Computing
You will be expected to solve mathematical and statistical problems on paper and on a computer.
Computer Programming
This introductory computer programming module provides the underpinning knowledge and practice for computing students to design, build and test software components.
Network Fundamentals
This module builds on the underpinning knowledge and theory of networking systems.
Applied Operating Systems
In this module, you learn how modern operating systems are the glue that bind computer hardware and networks together and how they manage the user experience for individual computers and wider networks
Part of Faculty team of Costume College and Educator himself. He is an expert Technology Professor and serving our college with his skills.